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June 2024 Pastor's Note

When I was a kid, I would spend my summer days at my grandmother’s house. She used to babysit several kids, many of those have been life-long friends to me and my family. Such a fun time at my Nanny Morehead’s house! I cannot even count the number of kickball, baseball, and softball games we had in that back yard. We would play outside all morning and then come inside in the afternoon for our after-lunch naps. When you are a kid, those naps seemed terrible, I wanted to be outside playing. Now I think how nice it would be to get an afternoon nap! Those are great memories of my childhood that I truly cherish.

One of the most vivid memories I have of my grandmother’s house was her rocking chair in the living room sitting beside a table and on that table was her Bible. Her Bible was not just a decorative piece in her living room, she read it faithfully. She loved the Lord, and she loved the kids she was able to watch over during those fun summers.

I often think about how my life has turned out. Not that everything has been perfect, but I have had a very good life. I think about how many times my grandmother prayed for me, and not only for me, but for all the kids she cared for.

My point is I do not believe our lives end up the way they do by chance. I think the blessings we have received in life are often the result of someone praying faithfully for us throughout our lives.

1 John 5:14-15 says, “This is the confidence we have before him: If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hearswhatever we ask, we know that wehave what we have asked of him.”

Are you praying over your familydaily? Are you praying for yourchildren? Taking that a stepfurther, are you praying for theirfuture? Are you praying for theirfuture wife or husband? Are youpraying for their future children? Icertainly hope the answer is YES!But, I also want you to consider read whether or not you are praying

according to His will? People will often ask me, “How do I know the Lord’s will?” The answer is found in reading His Word.

My encouragement for each of you is to love Jesus, read the Word of God daily, pray for your family, seek the will of the Lord for your family, and remain committed to your church family. You never know the impact you will have on future generations through your prayers! I consider it a great joy to be your pastor. Thank you for praying for me and for my family.

In Christ, Pastor Jeff


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