Although April has been unseasonably cool, summer is right around the corner! Summer is my favorite time here at Calvary. With VBS, Camp Creative, and Youth Camp, it is an incredibly exciting season. Summer brings the opportunity for us to do outreach to the children and youth in our community. When Jesus was speaking to his disciples at his ascension, he said
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8
In our Jerusalem of Simpson County, there are approximately 4,800 kids and youth, and an estimated 3,889 of those are unchurched. We have a momentous task as God’s people called to witness here in Franklin where he has placed us. Our summer activities at Calvary give us the unique ability to reach the unreached and to bring the gospel into homes in the form of catchy songs, crafts, and sign language! However, our summer ministries are not only about seeing people come to know Jesus, they are also about equipping.
On Wednesday nights this school year, our kids have been memorizing and weekly reciting the Great Commission. For those students that are followers of Jesus, they have the same calling and the same indwelling of the Holy Spirit as adults. They are missionaries, and statistics show that they are the group that is best positioned to reach their generation. VBS, Camp Creative, and Camp are places for them to learn how to articulate the gospel, be encouraged by older believers, and to grow in discipleship.
These young believers are not the future of the church. As followers of Jesus they are a part of the body now! We have the great responsibility of raising them up to lead, disciple, and evangelize in places we could never reach. Our prayer is that you join us on this evangelism and discipleship journey through whatever gifts and abilities the Lord has blessed you with.
First and foremost, these ministries are in need of prayer. Prayer is the muscle that moves the hand of God, and we all seek for God to move mightily this summer. Pray God-sized prayers for the salvation of the students and families in our community, and for the calling of the students that call Calvary home.
Additionally, volunteer. From the sound booth to the stage there is a place for all abilities to serve the Lord in this ministry. Calvary will be immensely blessed by the season that is coming!
by Lilly Hunter