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May 2024 Student Minister's Note

This summer Calvary is hosting B.A.S.I.C. Elements Science VBS June 10-14 at 5-8:15pm.

In order to pull off this amazing week of hands-on science, crazy skits and devotional teaching, we need YOU! It is only through the work and dedication of volunteer servants that we can provide such a memorable, gospel-focused experience for kids in our community.

VBS is one of our main avenues for witnessing the goodness of Jesus to the kids in our neighborhood. Every year, students hear the Gospel and make the decision to follow Jesus or to come to Clavary during the year to be discipled further!

We’re looking for volunteers in all areas — VBS set up, room teachers, skit performers, musicians, prayer team, and more. VBS not only evangelizes kids, it also is an opportunity to strengthen families and teens. If you have older children not attending VBS, consider signing up to volunteer together.

A recent research study showed that 75 percent of kids who are part of a strong evangelical church will leave the church and any connection to Christ from age 18- 29. BUT one common factor among the 25 percent who DO NOT leave the church was serving with their families in a faith-based ministry. This summer could be the perfect opportunity for you to begin serving together as a family!

Matthew 18:1-3 says “At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, ‘Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.’ ”

Serving at VBS, AWANA, and Camp Creative is above all a blessing. Learning to see the awesomeness of a holy God and the beauty of the salvation offered through Jesus Christ like a child is incredibly rewarding. Although we have much to teach them in how to follow Jesus, they have just as much to teach us on why following Jesus is both a simple and exceedingly joyful choice.

Join me this summer as we seek to see hearts, lives, and families altered through a life changing encounter with Jesus Christ. Contact Lilly at 270-776- 6444 or sign up in the lobby to volunteer.

In Christ, Lilly Hunter


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 Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 8am-3pm

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