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September 2023 Student Minister's Note

by Lilly Hunter

This last week our family went on a short vacation to Monteagle, Tennessee. While we were in the area, we visited the beautiful All Saints Church in Sewanee. This church is famous for its intricate stained-glass windows that tell the entire story of the Bible and the history of the church. The church itself is an incredible act of worship and reminded me of how worthy of all worship and praise that our God truly is. Every tongue should praise him — He is worthy. It set my heart on fire once again for sharing the good news of Jesus with others. They need to know about a God who not only is worthy of all worship but cares for them personally! Our God is worth talking about, and this gospel hope is worth sharing.

Recently, I have been reading through a book called “Sharing Jesus Without Freaking Out”. I love the title because I think at some point in our Christian walk, each of us has felt a little freaked out by the idea of sharing our faith with someone. Be it fear of public speaking, feeling inadequately prepared, or a phobia of rejection, the experience is near universal (and ministers are no exception!). However, each of us should be confident in sharing the reason for the hope that is within us!

Every believer is equipped with all that they need to effectively share the gospel — the full Holy Spirit.

God is living within us, and we have all we need. We have the story of how he has rescued us and the full measure of the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. We could stop there — if that does not inspire great joy and confidence nothing will. Practically, we have even more reasons for confidence.

We are already in relationships with people who need to hear the good news every single day, and sharing the gospel well with them is not about memorizing a presentation or having all the answers. Everyday conversations with those we love and talk to the most can lend themselves to sharing our faith. Every person is experiencing blessings and brokenness, and we can use those experiences in their lives to show them how their story intersects with the great redemptive story of God increation.

You don’t have to be a biblical expert to share well. Simply be listening well to the people in your life and in tune to what God may be doing in and through them.

The best person to reach the friend, family member, or neighbor that is on your heart is not the church staff, the sermon, or an evangelist. The best people to reach the unbeliever in your life is you. God has placed you where you are for a divine purpose — to make his name known to those in your path.

My prayer myself — and for you — this month is that you receive the blessing of seeing the people in your life come one step closer to a saving knowledge of the gospel because of your faithfulness to share with them. May we continue to encourage one another to this end!


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